Friday, July 1, 2011

Update 6 is out!

A fix for the FPS counter has been submitted.


SURVIVAL ARENA, DUKE MATCH, NEW CAR, and a lot of improvements and bug fixes! And there is more to come VERY SOON. Keep living the Death Rally!

* NEW CAR: Monster truck!
* Radar indicator for boss cars
* New challenges are marked with blinking stars
* Destroyed cars produce more pickups
* More boss voices
* Changed car type for Tex Harris
* Menu arrow animation
* Optimized car part drawing
* IAP description text updated
* New explosive icon

* Bug fix: Missiles and Striker projectiles no longer make impossible turns
* Bug fix: Voice over timing fixes
* Bug fix: Better collisions in Prologue
* Bug fix: Some UI element edges have corrupted pixels in iPad2
* Bug fix: Menu swipe position reseted after "Restart career"
* Bug fix: Added weapon change animation after weapon challenges
* Bug fix: Gatling Gun and Stiker ammo indicators no longer have a visual glitch